Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year!

Just last week, everyone was busy wishing each other 'A Merry Christmas'.
So before I forget, let me wish you all on behalf of Dan too 'A Blessed Happy New Year!' :)
Much has happened this year; both good and bad, but the good ones definitely out numbered the not-so-good ones *hee
For me, the highlight of this year would be.... *hee I don't even have to type it out, and I'm sure most of you would have already guessed it correctly.
Yup! Dan is the highlight *hehe
Its been 6 months since we got back together, and it has been simply wonderful!
We do have our shares of highs and lows, but 99.9% of the time - we're just in total awe of each other :P
I've never been happier :)
Its also my final year in Uni. You've no idea how anxious I am about graduation, and starting work! I heard it time and time again that studying is way better than working, but I beg to differ; I think it's pretty much the same. The challenges and responsibilities just come in different forms.
Like many other years, I would make resolutions for each new year but not for next year. Why?
No particular reason actually. Just want to do things differently, since its a brand new year :)
Have a great time celebrating :P

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