Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Its Mother's Day!! Hehe.. So Happy Mother's Day to all the mummies, if there's any that is reading my blog. Anywayz, my dad requested me to present a short testimony/speech about mothers for church this morning. Ive never been good with speeches or any of that sort, and i become very emotional. Y'know talking about my mum and expressing my feelings, makes me very vulnerable and i'll definitely break down in tears.

Guess what?! The exact thing happened! I was giving my opening speech and suddenly, i burst out into tears!! haha..How embarrassing!! Thank God, the congregation in my church is small - around 20 people only. Before i could even get into the intimate part of it, i was already in tears, and looking at my mum didnt make it any easier, because she was tearing too! lolx.

Since i couldnt hold back my tears to continue on, my elder sis took over and read the poem that i wrote for the mothers. Im so thankful my sister didnt burst out into tears, or it would have been a series of the 'crying sisters' lolx. Sorry, thats really lame hehe.

Well do have a look at the poem that i wrote below. It isnt the greatest poem ever written, but it comes from the heart. Do leave a comment, if u do have any.

Mothers are like precious stones,
That needs to be refined with words of encouragement,
Every now and then.
They're just ordinary people, like you and me.
Yet so often, we expect them to be more than that.

Many times we don'’t see eye to eye,
Till we end up in a screaming and yelling marathon.
But deep down in our hearts, we still love you as much,
That'’s the reason we take you for a roller coaster ride,
Every now and then.

As we grow older, we grow to be more like you;
Nagy, grumbly, and whiny.
But the sweetness, gentleness and patience that you posses,
We will never be able to comprehend,
Till we ourselves become mothers.

Though few words of appreciations has been said,
And rarely the '‘I love you'’ has been expressed.
But there's no excuse to not say it now,
Because today is your special day.

Happy Mother'’s Day to all mothers,
Especially to our own dearest and beloved mum.
Our actions and behaviours may not speak out aloud,
But we love you oh so very much,
From the bottom of our hearts.


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