Monday, May 15, 2006

Boycotting FEVER!

No worries, your eyes are perfectly fine. Yups, im on a boycotting fever/frenzy! Im basically boycotting all fastfood outlets, including fried and oily foods. Yes, i know they taste awfully good, but their extremely hazardous to your health. You should be aware of it by now, especially with all the commotion going on about the increase of obesity in our present times.

Im sure lots are giving me the sarcastic look and saying out loud; 'Ya, right!'. But dont be too hasty in judging, because i'll make you 'eat' your sarcasm back! lolx. The similar scenario occurred when i first told my mum that i was boycotting KFC. She gave me the sarcastic 'Ya, right!' statement, cause she knew how much i loved KFC. At the end, my mum 'ate' her sarcasm back because i havent touch KFC since i boycotted it. Yes, i do keep to my word and mean it! You can say im sort of an extremist hehe.

So if you ever do plan to take me out for lunch or dinner, be nice and dont bring me to some fastfood joint ok? I dont mind having 'kuey teow' soup hehe.

Lets start eating healthily! lolx. Im a nutritionist to-be, hence i got to live what i preach, or i'll be a hypocrite and definitely a fat one from all the fastfood, of course! hehe.

P.S. Have fun poking the penguin! lolx i know jo is..keke


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