Saturday, May 26, 2007


I'm glad that I've fully recovered. I had enough of the flu, cough etc.
On another note, the test turn out fine. I worried myself silly over nothing. It was an easy one - thankfully.
I've gotten my thesis title; 'Evaluation on the survival of encapsulated probiotic bacteria in simulated GI and in yoghurt'.
It's quite a tedious one. I opted for an easier one, but I was one of the many unfortunate ones that did not get the titles that we chose.
My supervisor is my former Food Microbiology lecturer; Ms. Stephanie.
She's nice and easy to work with, so I wouldn't have much problem - I hope.
It'll certainly be an energy draining and demanding semester, and I've lots of catching up to do - in terms of studies, since I wasted a week being ill.
Will be having 2 additional tests this coming Friday.
Not anxious about the Physio. Sc. 2 paper, but I am for the Food Engineering one.
Felt slightly tensed this week, but after having a rather long conversation with a friend and a night out with my old A'levels mates; they sort of eased the tension away.
Its been quite a tiring week; mentally, emotionally and especially physically. I guess its mainly due to me being unwell.
There are other matters that have been bugging me. I'm not sure whether I should be wasting so much energy pondering about it. Am struggling to find a solution to it. Maybe its not meant to be resolved? I just don't know what to do - my heart tells me to go all out, but another part of me tells me otherwise. I just can't explain the way I'm feeling right now. I'm not going through depression or anything of that sort. I just want something more, something I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to have. It gets extremely frustrating at times. I think I know the answer to it, but maybe I'm not willing to acknowledge it because its not the answer or ending that I'm looking for. So should I continue searching for other alternatives? Or should I just let go and accept the end thats meant to be? I know that God isn't giving me an answer to this one.

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