Monday, January 21, 2008

Let me say it again: Being a musician is NOT glamorous

Being a musician is not glamorous. If you think i'm one of those that plays for free or for very little money for reasons like 'exposure' and 'experience' in places like Laundry Bar, you're wrong. I've been playing professionally since i was 18. And i have definitely taken sh*t from many many ppl including musicians.
Ppl like to get the most for less but it's not like that. It's not like we enjoy ourselves performing, get easy money and go home. It has been hours, months and years of practice before musicians could actually do what you see them do so easily. You're actually paying for our time, effort, talent and uncountable hours we put in to perfect our craft. Even so, senior musicians are also groups that intimidate, bully, take advantage and enslave (us) younger musicians. In addition to people who wants to hire us for the cheapest rates, con our time and make use of us as much as possible, we are actually having a huge 'company dispute' amongst musicians as well!
While there are ppl who think that being musicians are glamorous, easy work or stress-free (all of which are untrue), there are also ppl who think that musicians are dumb, willing to get any amount of pay just to play, spoiled brats or the lesser economic society. Why is that???!!!
Like today, I played for a corporate function involving a press conference for a development company. We were clearly told that we only need to play 2 sets for RMxxx amount. But sadly that wasn't the case. We were asked to play an extra set earlier which wasn't in the deal. After our actual set (2 sets already including the first one) ppl were leaving already after the press conference and makan. Normally in cases like this, the organizers would have dismissed us. But this idiot had to ask us to play one more set (3rd set) to just a few ppl including waiters, ppl packing furnitures and of course the 4 corners of the wall. 2 sets for RMxxx means 2 sets for RMxxx. Which part of that sentence did he not understand??? Even the fellow musician that sealed this gig did not object to unscrupulous demands like that. It's fine if you like working for more than you get but you are accountable to other musicians as well!!! I also hate that ppl deal gigs without making sure if there's sufficient equipmet, lunch/dinner provided and scheduling. That ain't professional at ALL!!!
Which reminds me...i had a housemate once that moved out without settling the bills which we always divide equally. When i asked him for it, he accused me of cheating him! That son of a %$@*%@$!&(@*. Also, what bout housemates who don't clean up after themselves... living in a zoo or what? Waiting for zookeepers to clean up your sh*t.
Sidetracked a bit... ... Basically, my job is as stressful and tiring as anyones. I'm sure they have their office politics, backstabbing, datelines, sadistic bosses, etc. I have mine too... I've seen many things especially when i play for functions. The high society, the rich and famous, the royalties. Money doesn't make them better. It makes them worst. If they think playing music is not a real job and we're doing it for free cuz it's fun, then perhaps they outta think twice about the music when they watch the tv, go to cinemas or listen to the radio. They get so drunk and ridiculous sometimes that you'll wonder if becoming rich affects your IQ poorly.
Maybe i should consider working as a zoo keeper since zoo negara is kinda nearby my place.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the 2 sets for RMxxx, what is done is done BUT what I can say is for the future gigs or performance best if everything is in black and white. Verbally, ppl talk crap all the time. So with black and white, they can not argue nuts and anyways, for that issue, you guys could have fought for your rights. The person who handled this definitely is not smart enuf to jaga ur musicians rights. Could have negotiated with the organiser OR YOU DON"T PLAY! ahaha... not blackmail but since they going against their words, might as well u guys do the same. Since there was no black and white. And if there was, go claim the extra set played according to the pricing paid. Well, I guess musicians are always badly exploited.

Work is the same everywhere. It's true. The only difference, is if it's worse or WORST! ;)

1:27 pm  

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