Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Saman! WHO? Me?!

Yups, i almost got 'saman' today bcause i was in a hurry to get my youngest sis and her friend home from school. The traffic light just turned yellow and i made a quick turned, and suprise, suprise, 2 policemen were waiting at the side.

They ordered me to stop my car by the roadside. I had lots of butterflies in my stomach and my heart starting beating really hard and fast. Its my very first time being stopped by policemen and it was nerve wrecking! All i could do was to call out to God and im glad that i did.

The conversation below took place between the policeman and i;

Police:Hai adik, boleh tunjuk lesen? Lain kali kalau lampu sudah tukar warna, berhenti. Adik
masih P, kalau saman potong banyak markah. Kenapa tak berhenti?
Me :Saya sedang kerja masa, nak hantar adik kawan saya balik rumah.
Police:Bahaya bawa kereta cepat-cepat. Nanti kena langgar. Kalau saman, siapa bayar?
RM300 tau?
Me :Ayah bayar.
Police:Macam mana? Nak saman ke?
Me :Kalau boleh jangan bagi saman, sebab saya tak pernah kena saman (showing my
pityful face).
Police:Ada duit sekarang ke?
Me :Duit?! Takde la (Actually i'd about RM20 in my purse).
Police: You berapa umur?
Me :21.
Police: Langsung takde duit sekarang? Kereta pun takde?
Me :Takde.
Police: Lain kali kalau saya nampak kereta adik, adik bayar,
Me : (Ignoring whatever he just said, took my LC and drove off).

The conversation that took place was a bit more longer cause he was trying to convince me to pay him (bribe, whatelse). I was tempted to give him my Rm20 because i wanted to get home right away, and i was getting a lil scared but i know it wasnt right, and i was certain if i did the right thing, God would definitely help me out. I thank God i obeyed and trusted Him, and i didnt get a 'Saman'. Yipee! Not forgetting, i'll stop the car the next time a traffic light turns yellow =)


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