Friday, October 20, 2006

what to do? what to do?

The final semester of the year with its exams, has finally ended.
The holidays are here, but they'll be gone soon - in a flash!
My internship will begin shortly, and the 8 to 5 pm work routine - will follow.
Im emotionally confused, yet excited.
And i guess you can blame the hormones for it.
There are many plans i have in mind, but due to responsibilities left behind by my parents; they'll be leaving for missions in India tmr, hence ive
to for-go some of the plans.
To the CF-ers, im sorry that i wont be able to join you guys for a water fun-filled-time in Sunway Lagoon. There's always next time right? :)
To my uni friends, i'll do my best to accompany you guys when your down in PJ.
Even though ive to sacrifice almost all my semester breaks; since my parents always choose those specific times to go for mission trips, ive learned to fret less and be more understanding.
On top of that, my parents are leaving to do G
od's work -hence, its an honour to be a part of it - because they've entrusted me to take good care of my lil sisters.
Though some might find the whole situation unfair o
r bias, i find it otherwise.
No sacrifice that ive made, can ever be compared to the sacrifices that my parents have had made for me.

I'll be cinderella for one week. Well, minus the apron and the head scarf lolx


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