Sunday, July 22, 2007

Please make a donation

My old trusty purse. This blue Vincci purse was a b'day gift from Jo & Trix, 2 years back.
It has served me well :)

The new purse from my dad. My dad was in a generous & sympathetic mood today, hence he bought me a pirated Bonia purse from psr malam. Cost him only RM10, but its the thought that counts rite? And thank you daddy.

My one and only nokia hp. Please don't die on me so soon! I think its life-span is almost due; been switching off by itself for the past few days, and it takes quite awhile to be able to switch it on again :( I told my dad about this unfortunate event, and his only reply was, 'Your hp cacat already'. *sigh.. Duh! I know! *sobs. I doubt he'll be buying me a new one. I seriously wouldn't mind if he got me the same model, will not cost him more than RM200. I'm not implying that RM200 is a small amount, but I really do need a new hp - especially one that doesn't switch off itself whenever it pleases to.

It has been quite an 'unlucky' month for me, especially financial vice. I'm wearing my last pair of contact lenses, my hp is giving up on me, my sole casual pair of sandals is almost wearing out (thanks to my dad, who likes to hose it with water every morning when he's watering the plants), and my very comfy Giordano jeans seems to be growing more holes :(

Well all I'm capable of doing is sigh... and pray that God will start throwing down RM100 notes from heaven ..right, as if that is ever going to happen :P

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah,the wallet is so worn out. but really nice wallet your dad bought you there! good taste :)

trix also mentioned she wanted a new handphone...maybe you can hint her to get her 'hand-me-down' phone. hehee.. lol.

2:50 pm  
Blogger Cass said...

haha.. He paid for it, but I chose it. Hence I'm the one with the good taste hahaha :P
Umm..I'm sure she's getting a new one bcause her old one is giving her some prob right?

12:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I do have an old Samsung phone but it was kind of a birthday gift from me dad. It is still functionable but uh, the outlook a bit ugly coz of scratches. It's a flip phone with color screen. Polyphonic ringtone only... u want? at least u can haf it till u get a new HP from someone special... *HINT* hope he get my hint... ahahah... So you want this donation ka?

7:32 pm  
Blogger Cass said...

Thanks for the offer, but my hp is still functioning quite alright for now haha. It has been behaving pretty good lately.

8:51 pm  

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