Monday, September 03, 2007

I could not ask for more

Love has been constantly on my mind lately.
Truth be told, there was a point in my life that I chose to not love anymore.
I was a bitter soul, and the thought of love just made me sick.
I became self-destructive; I ate to keep sadness at bay, and I would hurt myself on purpose during basketball & volleyball games to numb the emotional pain.
The bruises and sores help ease the pain.
I'm glad that I chose to love again, and to allow myself to be loved by others; specifically God.
I'm grateful that God never did gave up on me, and has now bless me with many opportunities to love many in return.
Honestly, I've never been so in love.
It's impossible for me to now go on a day without love, especially God's love.
And I'm truly delighted and thankful that God rekindled our love for each other again, that He made our paths crossed once more.
I'm just overjoyed that I've finally got what I've been waiting for - I love you.

And as cliche as it may sound, God loves you too

1 Corinthians 13

1:If I speak in the tongues of men and angels,
but have not love,
I have become sounding brass or a tinkling symbol.

2:And if I have prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge,
and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains,
but have not love, I am nothing.

3:And if I dole out all my goods, and
if I deliver my body that I may boast
but have not love, nothing I am profited.

4:Love is long suffering,
love is kind,
it is not jealous,
love does not boast,
it is not inflated.

5:It is not discourteous,
it is not selfish,
it is not irritable,
it does not enumerate the evil.
6:It does not rejoice over the wrong, but rejoices in the truth

7:It covers all things,
it has faith for all things,
it hopes in all things,
it endures in all things.

8:Love never falls in ruins;
but whether prophecies, they will be abolished; or
tongues, they will cease; or
knowledge, it will be superseded.

13:But now remains
faith, hope, love,

these three;

but the greatest of these is love.

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