Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Ive been busy as a bee. Actually, im still am. Y'know, with the usual; assignments, lab reports and exams. I need not elaborate more because it would only bore your brains out, and jo will start whining again lolx.

Yet i am ever so tempted to rant about my results, and the hectiness of this semester. It is practically driving everyone in uni towards insanity, and demotivating our fighting spirits slowly and not to mention, a little at a time.

However, i will refrain myself from doing so and probably write something about...Mmmm...nature? hehe.. Jo, thanks for that suggestion but i havent been taking much notice of my surroundings. I heard that its really hazy in klang and penang, but it isnt in PJ and KL-just really hot and sunny. It hasnt been raining, thus its getting hotter by the day.

No matter rain or shine, the highways are always congested and the traffic; extremely heavy. Its out of context but just wanted to type it down anywayz. lolx

Other than the sauna-like weather and the horrendous traffic jams, all is well. I guess..

Oh yeah, Siti Nurhaliza is exhanging vowes with some old Datuk this coming August. Its a big hu-ha back here in Malaysia, if you (Jo) wanted to know hehe. Btw, any celebrities getting hitch in Aust? hehe

I havent been updating myself with the latest movie either, Trix keeps telling me about the hunky 'Superman' but i dont fancy him. He's got the pretty-boy face, and i dont find metrosexual guys attractive lolx. No offence yah hehe.

According to my uni mates, Pirates of the Carribean 2 is pretty good. However, ive gotten lots of mixed opinions about the movie. Hence, i decided to not watch it in the cinema. Waiting for the dvd from my slow-mo cousin and i get to save money, cause the mega sale is back!!! be specific, its starting on the 23rd of July.

BUT..ssshh, there's always a 'but'. Since my finals are from the 8th to 10th August, ive to put my shopping plans on hold and only activate it after the finals. Thank God that the sale ends on the 3rd of Sept! *Grins (a BIG one) lolx.

To all ye faithfull readers of my blog, i shall resume later and end this post with a simple -Goodbye! hehe


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