Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Its morning, again! To be exact, its 4.50 am. What am i doing up so early? lolx To be honest, i woke up this early because i remembered that i forgot to take a shower yesterday! Hehe. It sounds ridiculous, but ive always been on the blur side -lately.

Uni starts at 8am today, and i'll be leaving home by 7pm. Therefore, i have approximately 2 more hours to either get back into bed, study (since i'll be having 2 mid-term papers next week) or stare into space? The latter will definitely be my last option lolx.

Its impossible to blog for 2 hours; i'll start crapping and it wouldnt be a good post anymore, and am not stating that this is going to be one lolx.

What a bummer..im having a tummy ache now. Two of my mates had tummy ache yesterday, really kesian them. Lab classes and tummy aches just dont go together lolx. If you know what i mean. Well if you dont, go figure! lolx.

I hope i did not catch the tummy ache bug, cause it would certainly be a terrible thing. And not to mention, the first class of today is a lab class *bleh!

My tummy is making me feel uneasy, and im having a slight headache now. *sigh...starts chanting* I refuse to be sick, I refuse to be sick....I refuse to be sick...20x

Yeah, i got the im-going-to-be-sick kind of feeling; im blaming it on the overnight fried chickens that i was forced to eat up. On the contrary, my diet-plan hasnt been a successful one. But hey! its a new day, today. A good day for a new beginning. Wish me luck! lolx I think i'll go lie down now, so pls excuse me.


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