Friday, December 22, 2006

A time for change

So often I retreat myself from the craziness of this world, to find a place of solitude - where I'm able to shut my eyes tight, and rest my head back peacefully.
Its very unfortunate that this world has become a place of terror; where injustice prevails, where the strong dominates the weak, where good deeds are no longer appreciated, where hatred, jealousy and unfairness rule, and where only traces of love and compassion are still visible.
Truth be told, I am rather fed-up of people telling me to accept it the way it is; that change is impossible and hope is almost non-existent.
My God is the same today, yesterday, 10 years ago, and will always be the same. Thus if He could transformed Paul who used to be a Christ persecutor into one-of-the-biggest-fan and lover of Christ- some 2000 years ago; He can still do it today.
He can turn this world upside down, and I am believing for it to happen.
I'm not going to just sit on my butt, and watch it take place but I want to be apart of this shaking and transforming phenomena.
Yeah, I am a little work-up with all these nonsense that is happening daily on this very good month that we're celebrating the birth of our great King.
Seriously, it's time for a change - a good change.
Jesus was brought to earth for this very purpose, hence let us not forget our part - that we're here to bring changes, to restore and rebuild His Kingdom on earth!
Have a blessed Christmas and have an awesome time celebrating this joyous day!!!


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