Saturday, November 10, 2007

Being happy

Wow, it's Saturday again!
How quickly time flies, and how unimaginably little I've achieved or done in this week.
I've been pretty laid back lately. Oh no, I ain't complaining - It's just a statement, and I'm rather surprised with my self cause I'm actually comfortable with it.
If you've met me during my first 2 years in Uni, I was always hurrying myself or others to complete assignments and reports, and I would easily get stressed up by even the least important test, quiz or task.
Though to many being who I was 2 years back would probably be a better trade to keep, since we're leaving in a fast pace world; where you've to be constantly and extremely hardworking, just so that you could out do another. However I prefer the 'me' now; even though I don't perform as well as I used to, but I'm so much happier spending my time with people that I love, and doing things that I take delight in

Maybe many would disagree with me, but I'm tired of being overly competitive and trying to do everything perfectly. Life's too short to be spend trying to always out do another, just do your best and I believe you'll be a much happier person :) We were all made to achieve greatness, but do remember greatness comes in many forms :)



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