Friday, January 13, 2006

A day of PAIN! Ouch!

I had an excruciating day thanks to my swollen gum, cause by the unnecessary wisdom tooth that is pushing its way through my very delicate gum. Having a slight fever too. Could barely concentrate during lectures and was looking forward to attend CF today, but the pain was just unbearable, so got home straight and headed to the dentist right away!

I visited TWO dental care and the dentists was out!! I guess God heard my cry of desperation, hence when we (my mum and i) went to the 3rd one, the dentist was IN!! Hallelujah! But we waited for about half an hour before meeting the 'man', and i was getting really restless! Anyway, he gave me some antibiotics and some ugly-looking blue pills to suck on, but it doesnt taste bad. Thankfully!

He advised me to get an x-ray, to ensure the wisdom tooth is growing properly because if it doesnt, ive to undergo a minor surgery to remove it. Praying that i wouldnt have to but the pain, he guaranteed me that it'll be back! *sigh

Its been a day of pain. PAIN i tell you! lol. Well, i'll get going. Need to shower, will be going out for dinner with my man. I wonder how am i going to eat?! One things for sure, its going to be a slow and painful dinner lol.


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