Thursday, September 14, 2006

I trust You, Lord.

I told a close friend that i felt that God had called me to celibacy, quite sometime ago.
She laughed politely and asked me if i was certain.
I wasnt, and i told her it felt that way because both of my relationships with the opposite gender ended badly and with much grief, and i was definite that no man would ever be able to overlook and accept the mark that ive inflected on myself due to the bad choices i'd made in the past.
With great compassion, she gently consoled me and assured me that there'll be a special one that God has placed aside for me. And as always, she encouraged me to continue on praying fervently and to appreciate the gift of single hood with her till the ordain time came for me, since my Father in heaven knows what is best for His little girl.

Trusting and waiting in God has been a constant struggle for me.
However, the passing of time and the fruitfulness of doing so has made it much easier.
There are times fears and doubts still crept in, yet i overcame it by God's grace and mercy.
Im glad that i can finally say, 'God, i trust You with my whole heart!'.
I know there will be uncountable times when i wouldnt be able to say it out loud, but im thankful and grateful that He would later prove me wrong, because of His undying faithfulness.

I learned this song when i was serving in sunday school, im not sure who wrote it but its an easy and meaningful song to remember.

Trust, trust in the Lord.
Lean not on your own understanding.
In all, all of your ways acknowldege Him.
And He'll make your path straight.


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