Monday, April 30, 2007

American Idol! Woot!

Have your guys been watching AI (American Idol)?
Well, I have!
And I've been a loyal fan of Blake Lewis since day 1 of the competition! *screams ecstatically :P
I hope he wins, though the possibility is quite low since Melinda and Jordin constantly outshine the rest. However, I've my fingers cross! Kinda haha.
Since the finale is just around the corner, Star World is organizing an event cum competition;

Date: May 5th, 2007
Time : 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Cineleisure Damansara @ Main Concourse Area

Judges: Brian Vinesh (, Marion C (Channel
[V]), Agnes Rozario (Astro)

Hosts:’s Rudy & JJ

The competition;
What the contestants are required to do:-
- Each contestant are required to dress and
impersonate 1 of the top 12 American Idol 6 finalists
- Each contestant are required to prepare 2
performance (subject to their choice)
i) Performance (song, dance, talk, or anything
interesting and related to AI6)
ii) Contestants who make it to the top 3 are required
to prepare another performance which incorporates “why
they should win”. It can be singing, rapping etc.
- The contestants will also be tested on their
knowledge of American Idol 6 so they need to “study”

Do come and give your support :)
I'll most likely be there.

So keep that date free yah :)
See ya!



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