Thursday, May 22, 2008

Of Dan, Food and Heels

In my previous post, I'd mentioned that I would take a week break from baking. However that wasn't the case *hee
Since I'd leftover ingredients, which were easily perishable - I decided to bake another cake on Tuesday by using the similar recipe for the Apple Cinnamon cake, but I replaced certain ingredients in the recipe. For example; I substituted cinnamon with vanilla essence, and chopped apples with raisins.

The outcome? Taste vice, it wasn't as good as the Apple Cinnamon cake. Majority preferred the Apple Cinnamon cake recipe.

Applesauce Vanilla Raisin Cake - name courtesy of darling Dan :)

On another note, Dan and I went on a date yesterday to celebrate his early 'graduation', since he is finally done with all his FYPs. I'm so happy for you hubby! :)

We went over to One U to catch The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian movie. Before the movie, we had dinner at Robert Harris. It was our first time there. Price vise, it is very affordable. However in terms of taste, I would rate it mediocre. I can't remember the exact name of the dishes that we had. My memory hasn't been doing so well lately *hee

Dan had Lamb with Herbs Rice. The lamb was stewed with lots of herbs and spices. The meat was tender and juicy - it was really appetizing. On the contrary, the herbs rice was a disappointment - no evidence of herbs could be detected by our taste buds.

I'd the Seafood platter, which consisted of 2 mini pieces of calamari, mussels, fish, and shrimps. The french fries that accompanied the seafood was soggy. Overall, the seafood and coleslaw wasn't too bad. However there is still much room for improvement.

Before Dan picked me up from work, one of the strap on my heels snapped! The heels are only a few months old, and I got them at a rather cheap price - RM20. Thus shorter life span *hahaha

When we arrived at One U, Dan and I searched high and low for a replacement. We went to a number of shoe shops, but our search was pretty unfruitful. The designs that I fancied somehow were always out of stock. I actually gave up, and told Dan to forget about getting one today. However Dan was persistent, and we finally found a pair that I like at Voir. Special thanks to Dan for being extremely patient and for sponsoring me a brand new pair of black heels :)
I wanted and still want to get a non-black one, but its hard to find one in my size =_= I'll be patient and wait, since it is not a necessity.

Anyway, I'm contented with what I have. Thanks Dan darling for always making me feel special, its definitely going to be a lonely weekend without you. I miss you already.

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