Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All things good

I've been lazy, and also busy. Yes, been busy with thesis. But most of the time, I've just been plain lazy *smiles proudly.
Today I handed in my final, and complete copy of my thesis to my supervisor.
Sadly, I didn't make it to 60 pages. Only 45. 49 with references =_= I felt like a loser. Heard that some of my other peers wrote 70-100 pages!
Anyway, I'm not to be blamed. Those darn bacteria just refused to grow, so its mainly their fault. I'd not a single graph or chart or 3D plot to include into my results, because;
No bacteria growth = No results = 0, and 0 = thesis with less than 60 pages.

The bacteria grew in my control test, but not for the 'real-deal' one.

I felt sort of depressed while I was on my way to Uni, but I rubbed the feeling off and kept my mind on all the good people and things that I'm already blessed with :)

1. Valentine's Day was simply amazing. Amazing because I had the privilege of celebrating it with the man I love so very much. On that very special night; we smiled a lot, laughed a lot, ate a lot :) My only regret was that I did not take a single photo when I actually had the camera with me.

My valentine rose :)
We dined at an exquisite French restaurant (if I'm not mistaken, it's called La Bouche or something closed to that *hee) in Bukit Bintang. I guess I felt a little 'pai seh' to snap, snap, snap *hee
The food was yummylicious. It was my first time tasting goose liver. Its taste and texture is very similar to cheese. However the after taste isn't very pleasant. The appetizers were so filling that I ate less than half of my main course. I wish I had a bigger stomach to accommodate 'em all! The escargots was lovely. Dan coned me into having his share, but I really didn't mind because it tasted lovely:p
The place is pricey, but its worth splurging a little more (or much more) for a really delightful and satisfying meal. Darling, thanks again! :)

2. Dinner at Itallianies, The Curve. I've been to Itallianies numerous times for various occassions, but not with my two closest chicks :P It's been more than awhile since the three of us got together, and had a meal.
Joanna is back for good, and Trix has always been around. But she's been busy with work. Jo and I will soon join her in the working arena *yikes

We had Itallianies Mista Salad, Pasta and...

Pepperoni pizza!
But I still prefer the Smoked Salmon pizza *drools...

3. Nestle offered me an internship position!!! Will be collecting my offer letter tmr. They didn't even interview me, which came as a big surprise to me. It is truly God's favour and blessing. I'll be working in one of the world largest food company!! I'm so anxious and excited :) Internship starts next month.

I still have my thesis or VIVA presentation to prepare for, which is on the 27th of Feb (Wednesday). Hence I still have to keep my head in check, and not get too excited over anything yet *hee. Do pray for me yah.

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