Monday, February 27, 2006

Just wasting time

Here i am again, blogging! As usual, i should be studying right now but i always end up doing the opposite. Im bored of having to study biochem already, there's so much to memorise! I seriously cant imagine how my dear trixie does it, she's majoring in biochem by the way.

The worst part is im not done revising everything yet! Ive just completed the whole chapter on lipids and ive another one to go; amino acids..tsk tsk. I'll definitely be up all night, i mean morning. Hopefully the biochem paper tmr isnt that tough, but thats very unlikely. Since Dr.Lee my biochem lecturer, has very high standards.

Hence, im just going to trust God and do my part; which means i better get going and start reading about amino acids. Oh did you know there's 20 naturally occuring amino acids? And the first one discovered was found in the asparagus, called asparagine. lolz. Well it doesnt concern you, so why bother right? hehe..

Will blog more tmr and i'll update everyone on the biochem paper. Cassie over and out. Cioaz!


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