Yo.....Everybody, well it seems i was too busy working that i missed out a whole LOT of stuff...especially on the June 13th 'Unrequited Love' post. VERY VERY INTERESTING comments ....!!!! Applaud applaud and bravo u guys.
First of all, love is subjective.... and religions/believes/faiths are also subjective. 'Fucking' or rather sex/making love/etc NOT subjective.
Love is a decision and a choice made in terms of deeds and feelings; how you wanna love someone and why. While SEX can be purely LUST or romance out of LOVE, it is an objective choice according to EVERYONE. Only a retard would not comprehend that and take SEX as a YAHOO free fun activity. Think about it.
Faiths/religions/believes is how an individual decides to live life in accordance to whichever god(s) they believe.
FOR INSTANCE....if u believe ur god is a dog....and it's will is for u to eat bones everyday then so be it.
If u believe ur god wants u live a proper example/testimony then so be it. Therefore, god will always be in any picture depending on one's believe. Think about it.
Being in a relationship however BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND , if they wanna 'fuck' u but u don't want to...yes u can be grateful somebody wants to stick their john-john into ur little-jane but it DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING if u choose not to. Out of love/patients/faith/believe/doubt or whatever the reason...we are entitled to choose to do it or not with a somebody. Think about it.
Problems will always arise no matter if u're boinking a Christian, or Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu. It's not right to question that believe because every human being reserve rights to choose their own believe. Also, if somebody made a mistake:
1) It doesn't mean their religion sucks. Because this would sound like "Eh the snatch thief is an Indian u know...all Indians are crooks la" Which isn't true.......
2) It's definitely not your God's fault or anybody's fault if someone makes a mistake. A familiar quote is that "Let he who has no sin casts the first stone". If ANYBODY in this world is perfect please STAND UP and show ur damn self...cuz nobody is perfect. Mistake happens...SO WHAT!!!!! Keep living in ur own good believe and the mistakes will make u a better person.
People will always stumble because of others mistakes and ppl will always have a religion or something to blame if something bad happens to them. But actually it's cuz their hurt and angry and choose to vent that anger out in a childish way. I use to smoke, get drunk and wasted all the time, smoke marijuana and overdose and vomit, curse a lot, hated a lot, rebelled, left home, stayed with the worst ppl ever, because i've been through having something bad happen to me and i just wanted to blame it on everything and everybody around church.
Any sane human being must understand this: EVERYBODY GOES THROUGH SHITS AND ITS NOT LIKE ITS GOD'S FAULT OR THE UNIVERSE' FAULT. Whatever freaking religion you believe in, there are those who will choose to bring GOD into the picture. Respect yourself and you will learn to respect others. If not your LOVE means NOTHING and SEX means NOTHING. Think about it.
I hope lots of you get to read this post. I think i'm worthy of saying stuff like this because i've been through a lot in life...and i don't need anybody's SYMPATHY. Just get on with your damn life and stop being PATHETIC just because some SHIT happened. I'm so tired of that crap man... stop BLAMING others for everything. Humans sleep like 1/3 their life's away and work another 1/3 of their life's. So another 1/3 u want spend on sulking/blaming others/hating...good for you la...pay a DEPRESSION tax to the government and maybe the government will form RUMAH/HOSPITAL ORANG KESIAN.
ALso, God does not only listen to a pastor's daughter's prayer only. We are all humans and in Christians faith, we believe God looks at everyone equally... I know i know, u're saying its unfair cuz there's some really evil ppl and some really good ppl but God looks at everyone the same.
Think bout this...if ur MUM or DAD does something really bad today...what would you do? Would rather be FAIR or UNFAIR??? Would you bend the law/rules or go against your principles or judge them or escape decisions.......??? Think about it.
Life is like that my brothers and sisters. It's nothing but COMMON SENSE. Have some tea, think about your deeds/mistakes/successes...then ask yourself
"Do I really wanna feel this way?"