Bye Christmas & Hello, New Year!
Am I excited? Definitely!
I always look forward to beginnings.
Anywayz this morning, my family and i took down the christmas tree and the wreaths that were hungs outside of the house.
When it comes to cleaning; its a family affair, hence mum made sure each one of us were there to help remove the dusty christmas tree and wreaths.
I tried to escape but its impossible to hide anywhere at home haha
Cleaning in process at the Yang's resident
My younger sis; Charis & dad tying up the christmas tree
Mummy & Carmen (the youngest) removing decos from the super dusty wreath
Charity with another dust-filled wreath *Ha Choo! Bless me
And me! I did my share too. Also with another debris-coated wreath, i think it's from the roof tiles or maybe just the air. Thank God we don't have to do this every month haha
As usual, there's Watch-night service at 10 pm. Everyone in church have to share a lil tonight. I still haven't decided on anything yet. There's so much to share about, its just that i dont know how and what to share on.
Have been cracking my head throughout the whole morning, and i still am. Aiks, God i need some help here and pls make it real fast! eeks...
Oh, and have a happy and blessed new year! :p