Not enough time - lah!
Yes, im desperate for TIMEEE!! Seriously, 24 hours a day is just-way-too little! There's lab reports to be written every week, tutorials to be done (all because of Ms. Lu, or better known as Ms. Swishy Hair), tests and exams to study for, and difficult-mind-boggling assignments that ive not even started on! To aggravate the current situation, ive been having headaches since sunday!! I can literally feel the blood vessels and nerves in my head tightening.
I admit, IM STRESSED OUT!! VERY, actually.
I can honestly say, that it is highly possible for me to break down any moment now. Praying every night before i go to bed has been keeping me sane till today.
Oh God, what would I do without You?!
Today was the worst! Found out that there's so much preparation to do for the end of the year- industrial training. I have to return to my sec. school to collect some certs etc., and i hurried to One Utama after class today, to request for a testimonial from my former employer. Glad that one task is completed.
The problem is that time is what i have least. Addition to that, i'll be having classes from sunrise to sunset EVERYDAY! And not forgetting, bball training on thurs night.
Thank God for my DAD. He said that he'll collect them for me from Klang. WEee!
Ive been bogged-down with too much lately, and im starting to feel it. I believe my uni mates feel it too, cause ive been extremely mean this few days, according to the 'fly'. Its Swishy Hair's fault! She's been a real pain.
Oh no! Here i go again, fretting.
Anywayz, i cant waste anymore time blogging. There's microbiology lab report to be done *sigh.
Hope and Faith
Ive been living life as if the only reason for my existent is to complete endless amount of assignments and lab reports. Thank God that it is not, or i'd rather be a snail. At least i get to enjoy the greenery around lolx.
Lots been happening, especially matters that troubles my heart but ive buried and suppressed them all in my homework, basketball training, and food. The statement 'Ignorance is bliss', can be so true at times.
Yesterday i was indecisive on whether should i attend CF. The lazy bug just crept in, and i opted to go out for lunch with friends instead of attending CF. Yet somehow the original plan didnt work-out, and i found myself in CF.
Im glad that i went for it, because God revealed certain issues that was in my heart. Its funny the way God does it sometimes.
I actually burst out into tears while sharing it in CF, it wasnt supposed to turn out that way but somehow im glad it did. I felt vulnerable and slightly embarrassed, but instead everyone was very supportive and the whole CF prayed for me. Im so happy to know that they're sisters and brothers in Christ that i can lean on when life gets too tough.
Im a lil hesistant to blog about it, but there's nothing to be a shame or to be afraid. Few months back, my mum was diagnosed with polyps. Its a growth in the gall bladder, that might become cancerous. Ive been emotionally disturbed, distressed and also fearful. Its been difficult having to stay strong, when all i see is darkness ahead of me.
My mum declined to undergo the surgery at first because its too costly, we cant afford it and we do not have any medical insurances to aid us financially. All my life as a family, we've been living by faith and God has been faithful all the time, yet i felt weary and i worried tremendously about it.
But God proved me wrong again, my uncle has offered to pay for the full cost of the surgery with no strings attached. Thank You, God! Even the date of the surgery has been arranged, it'll be on the 5th of next month. Im still a lil fearful but i know that all will end well, because my mum is in good hands; God's hands =)
Do continue to keep my mum in prayer, including the rest of my family. Thank you to all who have been supportive, even in the smallest way. I definitely appreciate it a lot.
Matthew 19:26
With God all things are possible.
Isaiah 40:31
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strenght.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances.
Hebrew 13:5
God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Isaiah 26:4
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.
Amen =)
Waiting for my limau ice
As the title clearly states, im waiting for my parents to return home from mamak with my limau ice. Just had friday prayer meeting, and my parents went for a drink with a couple from church. My sisters and i were a lil lazy to tag along with them.
Have been channel surfing, but there's nothing interesting to watch on tv. Suddenly the idea of blogging came to mind.
I had a great time in CF today. Met many juniors that were extremely shy, and they kept hiding at the corners of the room! hehe. I was a lil shy too, since ive never been regular to CF due to classes during the previous semesters. Hence i too felt a lil out-of-place, but i gathered my courage and went around introducing myself to others that had the 'Im new' statement written on their forehead hehe.
It was the first meeting of the sem, and about 40 people were present. A very large crowd compared to the usual. I pray that the number will continue to increase throughout the sem, and that strong relationships will be formed. Im really excited! Its tremendously difficult to explain the way im feeling right now. When it comes to God, the feeling is just out-of-this-world! lolx
Im already looking forward to the next CF meeting, and i know that God's going to do a GREAT thing in CF this sem. Im expecting for something BIG! Well, its because ive a GREAT and MIGHTY God! Weee! Thus, never underestimate the things that He can do =) He has a way of ALWAYS sweeping-me-off-my-feet and suprising me, but i like it *hehe.
Oh my parents are back, but the forgot about my limau ice! =(
Bad news
My hands have been tied down with mountain-high of assignments, lab reports and tutorials! Its been a week filled with endless bad news, one after the other.
Next week onwards, i'll be having numerous tests! Food chemistry will be the first paper, followed by Waste Management, Microbiology and Metabolic Biochemistry. All four are heavy subjects with tones to read! Looking at the thickness of the notes, is enough to scare the 'crap' out of me! lolx Im getting an anxiety attack just thinking about it.
Lab reports are due next week too, and i dont understand why Ms. Lu or whatever her name is, have to constantly give us tutorial questions?!! She gives not one, but a BUNCH of questions every week!! Im not being mean but honestly, she's a lousy lecturer. She reads off the slides and faces her back at us. There's no eye contact at all! She teaches the white screen, but not us. My apologies for fretting too much, but i cant help it because we're paying a large sum every semester and we expect the best, not mediocre or just average. Thankfully the subject Food Chem is quite similar to Structural Biochem, but its a lil more in detailed though. Hai.. its another subject that ive to fully rely on my own hardwork, again!
Enough with lecturers, or i can go on FOREVER!
Another not-so-pleasant news is concerning my health. My uni had some health/nurse's day yesterday, and they provided a few health services such as measurements for blood sugar level, cholesterol level and BMI (Body Mass Index) for a very reasonable price; RM10 only! Since ive never gone for a full body check-up, i thought it'll be a good idea to do so.
The results; my blood glucose and pressure level are normal but..hmm..there's always a but.. BUT my CHOLESTEROL level is HIGH! My cholesterol level is between 200 to 239 mg/dL which is borderline high, meaning ive a high risk of developing coronary heart disease. The nurse that took my readings was more surprised than i was. She told me for a 20 year old, ive a pretty high reading. I kind of suspected it. For the pass few months, ive been consuming lots of fastfoods and instant noodles! At least, thrice a week or maybe more. My cholesterol level wasnt the reason why im boycotting fastfoods, but after yesterday it became one. And all the more i should be doing so.
Ive been careful with my food choices since i found out about it. Its a good thing i did not mention to the nurse that im a food sc and nutrition student. I wonder what she'll think or say. As i said before, ive no intention of being a 'celup' nutritionist. Hence, ive to start taking good care of myself before i can do unto others.
Oh well, its not the end of the world. There's bound to be bad news every once in awhile, but 'what do i do next?' is the most important matter. Agree? =)
Boycotting FEVER!
No worries, your eyes are perfectly fine. Yups, im on a boycotting fever/frenzy! Im basically boycotting all fastfood outlets, including fried and oily foods. Yes, i know they taste awfully good, but their extremely hazardous to your health. You should be aware of it by now, especially with all the commotion going on about the increase of obesity in our present times.
Im sure lots are giving me the sarcastic look and saying out loud; 'Ya, right!'. But dont be too hasty in judging, because i'll make you 'eat' your sarcasm back! lolx. The similar scenario occurred when i first told my mum that i was boycotting KFC. She gave me the sarcastic 'Ya, right!' statement, cause she knew how much i loved KFC. At the end, my mum 'ate' her sarcasm back because i havent touch KFC since i boycotted it. Yes, i do keep to my word and mean it! You can say im sort of an extremist hehe.
So if you ever do plan to take me out for lunch or dinner, be nice and dont bring me to some fastfood joint ok? I dont mind having 'kuey teow' soup hehe.
Lets start eating healthily! lolx. Im a nutritionist to-be, hence i got to live what i preach, or i'll be a hypocrite and definitely a fat one from all the fastfood, of course! hehe.
P.S. Have fun poking the penguin! lolx i know jo is..keke
Mother's Day
Its Mother's Day!! Hehe.. So Happy Mother's Day to all the mummies, if there's any that is reading my blog. Anywayz, my dad requested me to present a short testimony/speech about mothers for church this morning. Ive never been good with speeches or any of that sort, and i become very emotional. Y'know talking about my mum and expressing my feelings, makes me very vulnerable and i'll definitely break down in tears.
Guess what?! The exact thing happened! I was giving my opening speech and suddenly, i burst out into tears!! haha..How embarrassing!! Thank God, the congregation in my church is small - around 20 people only. Before i could even get into the intimate part of it, i was already in tears, and looking at my mum didnt make it any easier, because she was tearing too! lolx.
Since i couldnt hold back my tears to continue on, my elder sis took over and read the poem that i wrote for the mothers. Im so thankful my sister didnt burst out into tears, or it would have been a series of the 'crying sisters' lolx. Sorry, thats really lame hehe.
Well do have a look at the poem that i wrote below. It isnt the greatest poem ever written, but it comes from the heart. Do leave a comment, if u do have any.
Mothers are like precious stones,That needs to be refined with words of encouragement,Every now and then.They're just ordinary people, like you and me.Yet so often, we expect them to be more than that.Many times we don't see eye to eye,Till we end up in a screaming and yelling marathon.But deep down in our hearts, we still love you as much,That's the reason we take you for a roller coaster ride, Every now and then.As we grow older, we grow to be more like you;Nagy, grumbly, and whiny.But the sweetness, gentleness and patience that you posses,We will never be able to comprehend,Till we ourselves become mothers.Though few words of appreciations has been said,And rarely the 'I love you' has been expressed.But there's no excuse to not say it now,Because today is your special day.Happy Mother's Day to all mothers,Especially to our own dearest and beloved mum.Our actions and behaviours may not speak out aloud,But we love you oh so very much,From the bottom of our hearts.
People! I miss U!
I miss you guys! Sooo MUCH!! My two most dearest and beloved friends, Joanna and Trixie. We've been friends like FOREVER! Jo, do come home to good ole Msia soon aight? And Trix, you're in klang but we hardly see each other!! How can la??! lolx. I'll try my best t
o come by next sat =)
And i also miss Dr. Lee, who was our Structural Biochemistry lecturer from the previous sem. He's such an awesome lect.! An extremely nice man. You'll definitely love him, if you ever had the chance to meet him. I really miss his sense of humour and his 'grandfather' stories hehe.
Sophia, I LOVE!! lolx
SOPHIA BUSH!! An intelligent, beautiful and dead-gorgeous-looking goddess! For those that are just plain clueless, she plays the character Brooke in the tv-hit series One Tree Hill (OTH). Im her NUMBER ONE FAN!!! *Screams!! lolx.She's also a graduate from USC (University of South California) in art/journalism. I really admire her gutsy-ness, for kicking her super good-looking but playboy husband then, out of their hse! Haha FYI, the husband that im referring to is Chad Michael Murray who is now her ex. She deserves better anywayz. That dirt bag is now engaged to an 18 year-old high school girl!! Gosh, desperate is written all over his face!And i truly admire her maturity in handling the divorce (btw, i dont believe in div
orce unless there's no other way to resolve the prob), and having to face her ex everyday at work! Her ex is her co-star in OTH, who also plays her love interest. Imagine having to lock-lips with a person whom betrayed your love and trust in real life! I'd rather just quit the job than face the jerk everyday. Guys can be such jerks at times. sounding like a chauvinist lolx. Oh do forgive me, im just speaking out of my emotions. I dont have that perception towards all men, only certain ones though.Well if you're still wondering why am i so into Sophia, just go to Googles search and type 'Sophia Bush', and a whole list of websites dedicated to her will be listed. There you'll find EVERYTHING you need to know about Soph, from her academic achievements to her non-profit organizations, and overwhelming number of pics of the goddess.P.S. She's not related to President Bush, if you ever had that thought in mind lolx.
The cast of OTH. I totally dig it lolx, but its getting a lil unrealistic, too fairytale-like. Im sure my two OTH buddies, Jo and Trix would agree with me hehe.
I Believe..
HONEY SOUNDTRACK- I Believe.mpgI Believe by Yolanda AdamsThey said you wouldn't make is so farAnd ever since they said it, it's been hardBut nevermind the nights you had to cryCause you have never let it go insideYou worked real hardAnd you know exactly what you want and needSo believe and you can never give upYou can reach your goalsJust talk to your soul and say…Chorus:I believe I canI believe I willI believe I know my dreams are realI believe I'll chantI believe I'll danceI believe I'll grow real soon andThat is what I do believeYour goals are just a thing in your soulAnd you know that your moves will let them showYou keep creating pictures in your mindSo just believe they will come true in timeIt will be fineLeave all of your cares and stress behindJust let it goLet the music flow insideForget all your painAnd just start to believeBridge:Nevermind what people sayHold your head high and turn awayWith all our hopes and dreamsI will believeEven though it seems it's not for meI won't give up I'll keep it upLook into the skyI will achieve all my needsI will always believe…
Aches and pains aint gonna break my spirit *tee hee
I just underwent my 1st bball training session 2 days ago-Monday. It was fun, minus having to run up and down the stairs (7 floors, no kidding. I never knew that my uni actually had 7 floors, till that day lolx), and running up the hill n down-one ENORMOUS round, around the uni! Im just glad that i didnt pass out. I guess the early-morning jogs really did paid off *wee! hehe
Since there were a few newbies, we started from the basic-dribbling, passing, right and left lay-ups, and a game of bball to rep-it-up =) I didnt play as bad as i'd expected, i still got the moves and skills..*bangga hehe. Yeah, do cut me some slacks aight? Let me 'syok sendiri', at least an itsy-bit ok? lolx.
I woke up on tuesday expecting aches all over my body, but none greeted me! Was very proud of myself till i felt pinches of pain coming from my arms and shoulders- just a few minutes ago bleh! I assume its going to be a lil sore for this few days, and having to do my own laundry would just aggravate it (washing machine has been down for the pass 2 weeks *sob sob). I know my mum wouldnt mind washing 'em for me, but its my clothes. Hence, it would be only right if i did it by myself.
Initially the training sessions was supposed to be on mondays and fridays, but since kit, a few others and i cant make it on friday, we opted for thursday. Thus from next week onwards, the training sessions will be on every monday and thursday-6 till 9pm. And coincidently, on both days my class ends at 2pm. Hence, ive 4 FREE HOURS before training starts!
Ive got chiek ping and ya'tze to play badminton with me on mondays, at 4pm =) On thursdays, i'll use the time to study and probably complete parts of my assignments and lab reports in the library.
So far everything has been going on quite well, and im just truly thankful =)
Lord, I need You..
Leanne Rhymes - I Need You.mp3I Need You by LeAnn RimesI don't need a lot of thingsI can get by with nothingOf all the blessings life can bringI've always needed somethingBut I've got all I wantWhen it comes to loving youYou're my only reasonYou're my only truthI need you like waterLike breath, like rainI need you like mercyFrom heaven's gateThere's a freedom in your armsThat carries me throughI need youYou're the hope that moves meTo courage againYou're the love that rescues meWhen the cold winds, rageAnd it's so amazing'Cause that's just how you areAnd I can't turn back now'Cause you've brought me too farI need you like waterLike breath, like rainI need you like mercyFrom heaven's gateThere's a freedom in your armsThat carries me throughI need youOh yes I doSimon Webbe - Lay Your Hands.mp3Lay Your Hands By Simon Webbe(I changed a few words)Sometimes life can be a burdenTryna stay one step aheadI feel the world upon my shoulder each timeI'm standing out on the edgeAnd my hopes have all deserted meLike they washed away in the sandAnd it's hurting my prideTryna surviveBut i know that i stand a chanceWhen you lay your handsOh yeah'Coz it's the only thing I have that still makes sense(Oh Jesus, when I'm calling out)Give me love and affection,Keep telling me, show me the way.(Oh, if you see me falling down)Lift me up from the shadowsWill you take me away to a better place?(And when I'm in my darkest hour)You're by my side, to turn the tide,Until the suffering fades.When life is getting me down,getting me down, i'm close to defeat,Come and lay ur hands on me.Feel this road is getting longer nowAnd i'm too far away from homeStill I gotta keep on moving onBut I can't do it on my ownJesus keep my head above waterHelp me swim for my life'Coz the game is getting harderThe strain is gettin strongerAnd I can only face the fightWhen you lay your handsOh yeah'Coz it's the only thing I have that still makes sense(Oh Jesus, when I'm calling out)Give me love and affection,Keep telling me, show me the way.(Oh, if you see me falling down)Lift me up from the shadowsWill you take me away to a better place?(And when I'm in my darkest hour)You're by my side, to turn the tide,Until the suffering fades.When life is getting me down,getting me down, i'm close to defeat,Come and lay ur hands on me..'Til I'm healed again,Rediscovered my strengths,Those bitter blues are gone...All gone...
I woke up around 9 something this morning, i knew i'd to start training but i was just too lazy to even go for a jog, and everyday i tell myself that ive to start eating healthily to loose the excess weight, but instead i end up binging even more than the previous day, subsequently adding more to my weight.
Im just so fed up with the way life has been for me, cause there's so much more to this life than trying to score strings of A's every semester, or constantly worrying about my weight and physical appearance, or struggling to live up to everyone's expectations. Life becomes a drag, and not a tad close to what God intended it to be for us.
Many times i forget that God's opinions and views of me should only be my real concern, because the mind is easily deceived by what the world has to say, and i end up living life according to the standards of the world and man.
When i compare God's standards to the world's, the gap is as wide as the ocean. Its makes the ways of man look silly, stupid and insignificant. Yet God made it possible for man, He bridged the gap, so that we could come to Him and be more like Him. After all, we are created in the image of God, but why do we constantly behave the way that we are? Why are we so conscious and intimidated by the world, when we have God that is beyond all things in this world, in us?
Do you ever wonder, why?
When i start thinking too much, i love listening to the song below.. to remind myself about God's love, that nothing else matters.
Steven Curtis Chapman - All About Love.mp3
All about Love by Steven Curtis Chapman
We've got CD sets and videos, radio and TV shows
Conferences, retreats and seminars
We've got books and magazines to read on everything from A to Z
And a web to surf from anywhere we are
But I hope with all this information buzzing through our brains
That we will not let our hearts forget the most important thing
Is love, love, love, love, love
It's all about love, love, love, love, love
Everything else comes down to this
Nothing any higher on the list than love
It's all about love
Now they're fighting in the middle east
And they're fighting down on Seventh Street
And there are fights in my own house on given days
It's like something's lurking deep inside
That can't seem to be satisfied
But life was not meant to be lived this way
'Cause it's true for every man and woman
Every boy and girl
That our only hope for living here together in this world
Is love, love, love, love, love
It's all about love, love, love, love, love
Everything else comes down to this
Nothing any higher on the list than love
This is the reason we were made
To know the love of our Creator
And to give the love He's given us away
Yeah, the Maker, and the Father, and the God of everything
He says to love, love, love
He says love, love, love
Love, love, love
'Cause after all, it's all about love
Gods says love, love, love, love, love
It's all about love, love, love, love, love
Everything else comes down to this
Nothing any higher on the list than love
'Cause after all, it's all about love
That's right, yeah (laugh)
It's all about, yea yea
It's all about
All about love, love, love, love, love
It's all about love, love, love
After all don't you know?
That it really all comes down to love
After all don't you know that
Gonna tell you what it's all about, yeah
Yeah, it's all about love
Yeah, it's all about love, yeah
It's all about love,
Love, love, love
Oh, silly me!
I tried uploading the flyer that i designed for the Bball club, but there's an error somewhere. Wanted to get ppl's feedbacks and opinions, cause my sis said the headings are lame and its too simple.
Miss jo offered her expertise, since she's majoring in designing. Hey jo, my sis said ur design is nice and i very much agree with her =) You've always been artistic. Lucky you. Im hopeless when it comes to art. Im a pro if its got to do with sticking and pasting lolz. Btw thanks for helping! I think i'll use ur design lolz.
One of my uni mates went for the fri training, and he told me they did lots of running! Ish, thats bad news for me aiks! I dont mine running a few rounds around the court, but not UP and DOWN the STAIRS! The coach made 'em. Sssh.. im so dead... I dont know the coach well, so i doubt i can talk myself out of it lolz.
Hai..what was i thinking? I havent been playing for almost 10 months! I shouldnt have joined the bball club commitee. Its suicidal, dont u agree? lolz.
I cant back out now. Ive a post, and i cant just drop my responsibilities and run away! Though i do have that idea in mind hehe.
Oh well, i'll just wake up early tmr and start jogging.. oh wait! Its already 2am! I better hurry off to bed.
Pics from Mlc Trip
Mel and i. We've just reached Malacca, and it was scorching hot (my hair was soaked in sweat, can you see it? lolz), and we were hungry!! Hence, we headed for Chicken Rice Ball!! We took this pic while waiting for the food hehe.

Yummy balls! lolz We should have ordered a whole chicken hehe. Thats only half a chicken.. i bet it was a really tinny-winny chicken lolz.
After touring around the whole afternoon, we urgent to capitol for satay celup! Wi Yee, me and Web chilling before attacking the satays! lolz.
Lolz. Yeah, we totally messed up the extremely clean table. We ate like there was no tmr *grins
At the perigi Raja. We took a long walk to ease our tummy from all the satays, and we ended up at the perigi! Was too dark, couldnt see a thing lolz. Everyone posing very weirdly...side effects of too much satays? lolz

My dearest sayang, Ya'tze and i. We took some pictures in Tony's guesthouse while waiting for the rest to get dressed for breakfast. We took this pic at the small living room on the 1st floor.
Karen, Mel, me, Wan Yin, Ya'tze and Web lazing around at the Tony's guesthouse cafe. It was the final day of our trip. Everyone was exausted, but we had a good time. Wi Yee, thank you for taking the pic! =) (3 days of feasting, my tummy and face got rounder bleh! hehe).
Bz as a BEE! Zzzzz...Bzzz...
Ran into my uni's basketball club president today, and he told us that there'll be training every monday and friday at 6pm, starting tmr! Bleh! The thought of it makes me tired haha. Ive not touch the ball for almost 10 months, i wonder if i still remember how to dribble one lolz. Stamina vice, im a goner! Since i got back from mlc, ive added tremendous amount of fats and flabs to my once-not-so-flabby figure. It'll require lots of hard work and time to get fit again, but time is certainly not in my hands, cause the competition is next month! *calming myself down.
I'll be only able to make it for monday's training sessions, since on fridays ive got cell group and prayer meeting. Tempted to skip it, but no matter what, God still comes 1st!
Well, there's a high possibility that i might just end up as a substitute only, bcause there's quite a number of fantastic players. Im just an amateur *tee hee. And it'll be less pressuring too, i think hehe.
Since im head of publicity for the club, Mr. president reminded me to get the flyers and posters up by next week. Hmm..come to think of it, ive actually lots to do, including assignments, reports.. oh and not forgetting, im also a class representative for 2 subjects (waste management[WM] and metabolic biochem[MB]), im always in a hurry to pass the latest notes to the photocopy shop.
I dont mind running around, but the downside of being a class rep is that i cant simply 'ponteng' class! *boo hoo. Once a lecturer knows you, he or she will remember you for life. Seriously, no joke man *tsk tsk.
Ive even volunteered myself to help international students with their english, at my uni's English Lounge. Ya'tze saw the notice and informed me about it. We both thought it would be a good way to improve our own command of english, and to widen our circle of friends. I doubt it'll take lots of our time, cause we're allowed to choose our shift according to our liking and availability.
I just remembered, im also part of the netball club lolz. Gosh, its going to be a handful! lolz but im determined to give my best in everything that ive committed myself to.
And ive mentioned before, CF! Finally, im class-free on friday afternoons to attend CF! Ive been wanting to attend it since the beginning of uni. God does fulfill the desires of our hearts
* Weeee! Of course, only the right kinds-la hehe.
Its going to be a really fun-filled sem, and busy one too. Im excited and i believe that this sem and the rest to come, will be great!
Times of pain
Im not as emo as ive been for these past few days, but im still very much troubled by the horrendous headache that ive been having since i left cameron.
Day in, day out, the headache just refused to leave! Im having lots of difficulties carrying out my daily activities. Driving is plain torture, same goes for concentrating in class. It takes tremendous effort to just pay attention, maintain focus and to ignore the constant pain thats within my head.
One of my uni mates jokingly said that ive brain tumor. If i did have the tumor, it'll be too painful to even get out of bed!
Oh God i cant stand it anymore! Please take it away...
The only good news ive for you is that, ive no afternoon friday classes this sem! Finally, im able to attend CF. And according to mel, their organizing a camp this year! Another good news : )
Im on the road towards insanity
Im still feeling a lil blue. The fever and flu have said their goodbyes, but i still feel ill. During my cameron trip, i got sick and i went through a series of hot-cold dilemma. I felt cold one minute, and hot the next minute. Im going through the same scenario now.
I was burning internally during class this morning. But later in the afternoon, i suddenly felt cold! What's wrong with my body?! *screams silently.. Im feeling good one moment, and the next thing i know, im getting paranoid and agitated. This hot-cold syndrome is driving me nuts! Same goes for the headache im suffering from right now!
Its been an excruciating-uncomfortable day, and its getting on my nerves! I cant exactly concentrate in class with a spinning head, and im definitely not in the mood for anything. Addition to that, ive been quite emo lately. I was super-unimaginably emo that i pissed my parents off when we were up in cameron. No, im not pms-ing. Only God knows whats going on with me. These few days have been one mad-unpredictable-roller-coaster-ride!