I can finally scream from the top of my lungs; 'The exams are OVER!! FOREVER!!!' Muahahahaha... please excuse my insanity, I just couldn't contain it any longer *hee
While one horrible ordeal has come to its end, there's thesis to give me another ride of my life.
Met with the lecturer today, according to the missy; I'm way off schedule and I should quicken my pace or I wouldn't be able to complete my thesis on time.
Therefore, there wouldn't be any holiday break for me - I'll be back in Uni next week, working my a** off in the lab everyday!
The lab will be my second home, and bacteria will be my best friend for the coming 2 months. Addition to that, paper work would be my past time.
The worst part of it all, is that I wouldn't be able to spend as much time as I would like with the bass player. I miss him so terribly, till it makes my heart ache excruciatingly.
And I'll definitely have less time for outings with friends - but I'll try my utmost best to manage my time well, in hope that there'll be always time for the people that I love! :)
Labels: Bass Player, Exams, Friends, Thesis